“How to Disappear Lily Del Rosso” is a fast paced, suspenseful and intriguing book written by Julia Cameron. The main character, Lily, finds herself in the center of a power struggle in her family. She has moved from Ohio to New York City and wants a new life. Lily’s step mother, irritated at Lily’s new boyfriend, has told her mother that she can’t have Lily because she is Greek. Lily, determined to prove her mother wrong, does some research about what it means to be Greek and discovers that she is indeed Greek.

Lily finds herself drawn into the life of a Greek named Constantinos: His life seems like a fairy tale with beautiful women and riches. One day, he catches sight of an execution carried out by the Greek general Thrasyllus. This man was condemned to death for the crime of seducing his wife. Lily helps him escape and eventually ends up in Athens with Constantinos. Everything in this book unfolds slowly and readers are taken in by the strange customs and intrigues that permeate this interesting part of ancient history.

It is interesting to learn – that Lily came from a wealthy family. It is revealed that her father, uncle and grandfather were all wealthy men. This book reads as if the author is trying to reveal the secrets of the rich and powerful in the Mediterranean world. The author, Julia Cameron, knows how to draw in the reader and make them want to know more and want to read about the lives of the people she is referring to in this book.

The Secrets of Power: How To Disappear Sara Lee by Julia Cameron is a fast paced, action packed book that will take you from the busy streets and hustle and bustle of the city streets to the glitz and glamour of Broadway. This is another example of “taking life seriously while still enjoying yourself.” It is interesting to learn that Sara Lee’s parents are not only dead, but have been replaced by an all new Power Team. The clues are scattered about and Lily must use the clues to figure out who might be after her, as well as why.

One of the best parts of the novel – is the character’s reaction to the circumstances around her. They appear to be on a secret mission to find or kill someone. The clues that are scattered throughout the program are beautifully written and perfectly placed within the book to entice the reader into wanting to read more. It is the combination of the beautiful writing and the intrigue that make this story worth the few pages that are devoted to it.

This is a fun and exciting read – that will keep many people reading until they reach the end. This is another example of “taking life seriously while still enjoying yourself.”

When you read “How to Disappear Sara Lee,” you will definitely find this is a fast paced book that entices the reader to continue reading till the end.